Saturday, September 19, 2009

5 Ways On How to Tell a Woman You Like Her Online

One of the greatest perks of flirting online is that you can be your absolute best self no matter what. You can even add a little tweak if you want (but don't overdo it of course). So when you're at that moment when you finally meet someone amazing and you've staying in touch all the time and you can even say you've fallen in love with someone you haven't even met before --- try by telling her you like her first. One of the many things that fails a guy when he wants to attract a girl is when he comes in too strong --- women don't want to be rushed. It's a hard fact. So how to tell a woman you like her online? Here's a few tips:
  • Go ahead and say it. If you feel like saying it, then why don't you? You don't have to demand for an answer. It's like being completely generous without expecting something in return. Don't get her to feel pressured just because you admitted having feelings for her. Stay cool.
  • Drop her a long email. If you want to do it the slow and romantic way, prepare an elaborate love letter and send it via email. Nothing can be a more perfect way to start one sweet online romance than by sending online of course. Pour out everything there inside you and unleash your inner poet. Now's your chance.
  • Ask her out. On a real date. Right after telling her you like her, express that you think it's prime time you finally meet. That means you don't ask her out on the same day you bumped into her online. Create a bond, stay in touch and take it to next level slowly. That way she would think that you are really serious with her.
  • Give her a visit. Although this would likely scare most girls, others would find this move terribly romantic. Of course, you have to let her know that you're visiting. Showing up on her front door without warning will surely freak her out and not face you at all. Tell her the day and date you're coming --- provided she gave you her address of course.
  • Go easy when says no. When a girl rejects you the first time online, this doesn't mean you're terrible person. It hardly means anything at all. It's one way for a girl of telling you that she's not ready and for the both of you to get to know each other more online for now. Don't heartbroken right way. It takes time. Patience will always remain a virtue.
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